Supreme Court Calendar 2024


Supreme Court Calendar 2024

The Supreme Court of the United States has a packed calendar for 2024, with a number of high-profile cases scheduled to be heard. The Court will begin its new term on the first Monday in October and will hear cases through the end of June.

Some of the most anticipated cases on the Court’s 2024 calendar include a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, a case involving the rights of transgender students, and a dispute over the Electoral College. The Court is also expected to rule on a number of other important issues, including abortion, gun control, and religious freedom.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is sure to be closely watched by legal experts and the general public alike. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.

Supreme Court Calendar 2024

The Supreme Court of the United States has a packed calendar for 2024, with a number of high-profile cases scheduled to be heard. Here are eight important points about the Court’s 2024 calendar:

  • Begins on the first Monday in October
  • Ends at the end of June
  • Includes a challenge to the Affordable Care Act
  • Involves the rights of transgender students
  • Features a dispute over the Electoral College
  • Addresses abortion, gun control, and religious freedom
  • Decisions will impact American law and society
  • Closely watched by legal experts and the public

The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is sure to be a consequential one, with the Court’s decisions having a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.

Begins on the first Monday in October

The Supreme Court of the United States begins its new term on the first Monday in October. This is mandated by federal law, which sets the Court’s term as beginning on the first Monday in October and ending on the last Monday in June.

  • The Court’s term typically lasts for about nine months.

    During this time, the Court hears oral arguments in cases, deliberates on those cases, and issues decisions.

  • The Court’s October start date is important because it marks the beginning of a new docket.

    A docket is a list of cases that the Court has agreed to hear. The Court’s October docket is typically filled with high-profile cases that are likely to have a significant impact on American law and society.

  • The Court’s October start date is also important because it gives the Court time to prepare for the upcoming term.

    During the summer, the Court’s justices typically take some time off to rest and recharge. The October start date gives the justices time to get back up to speed on the cases that will be argued during the upcoming term.

  • The Court’s October start date is a tradition that has been in place for centuries.

    The first Supreme Court term began on February 1, 1790. In 1869, Congress passed a law setting the Court’s term as beginning on the first Monday in December. In 1911, Congress changed the Court’s start date to the first Monday in October.

The Supreme Court’s October start date is an important date on the American legal calendar. It marks the beginning of a new term, a new docket, and a new opportunity for the Court to shape American law and society.

Ends at the end of June

The Supreme Court of the United States ends its term at the end of June. This is mandated by federal law, which sets the Court’s term as beginning on the first Monday in October and ending on the last Monday in June.

  • The Court’s term typically lasts for about nine months.

    During this time, the Court hears oral arguments in cases, deliberates on those cases, and issues decisions.

  • The Court’s June end date is important because it marks the end of the Court’s docket.

    A docket is a list of cases that the Court has agreed to hear. The Court’s June docket is typically filled with high-profile cases that are likely to have a significant impact on American law and society.

  • The Court’s June end date is also important because it gives the Court time to prepare for the upcoming summer recess.

    During the summer, the Court’s justices typically take some time off to rest and recharge. The June end date gives the justices time to get some rest before the start of the new term in October.

  • The Court’s June end date is a tradition that has been in place for centuries.

    The first Supreme Court term ended on August 12, 1791. In 1869, Congress passed a law setting the Court’s term as ending on the last Monday in June. This date has remained the Court’s end date ever since.

The Supreme Court’s June end date is an important date on the American legal calendar. It marks the end of a term, a docket, and an opportunity for the Court to shape American law and society.

Includes a challenge to the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is a landmark piece of legislation that was enacted in 2010. The ACA has been the subject of numerous legal challenges, including several that have reached the Supreme Court.

  • In 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the ACA’s individual mandate.

    The individual mandate requires most Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty. The Court ruled that the individual mandate is a valid exercise of Congress’s taxing power.

  • In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that the ACA’s Medicaid expansion is constitutional.

    The Medicaid expansion provides health insurance to low-income Americans. The Court ruled that the Medicaid expansion is a valid exercise of Congress’s spending power.

  • In 2017, the Trump administration announced that it would stop making payments to insurers that help low-income Americans afford health insurance under the ACA.

    This led to a lawsuit, which is currently pending before the Supreme Court. The Court is expected to rule on the case in the 2024 term.

  • The Supreme Court’s ruling on the ACA will have a significant impact on the future of health care in the United States.

    If the Court upholds the ACA, it will likely remain the law of the land for the foreseeable future. If the Court strikes down the ACA, it will likely lead to major changes in the way that health insurance is regulated in the United States.

The Supreme Court’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act is one of the most important cases on the Court’s 2024 calendar. The Court’s ruling will have a significant impact on the future of health care in the United States.

Involves the rights of transgender students

In recent years, there has been a growing debate over the rights of transgender students. This debate has reached the Supreme Court, which is scheduled to hear a case involving the rights of transgender students in the 2024 term.

The case, Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., involves a transgender student who was denied access to the boys’ restrooms at his school. The student, who was born female but identifies as male, sued the school board, arguing that its policy violated his rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in this case will have a significant impact on the rights of transgender students across the country. If the Court rules in favor of the student, it will likely lead to increased protections for transgender students in schools. If the Court rules in favor of the school board, it will likely make it more difficult for transgender students to access restrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity.

The Supreme Court’s consideration of the rights of transgender students is a sign of the growing importance of this issue. As more and more transgender students come out and assert their rights, the courts will be called upon to decide how to balance the rights of transgender students with the rights of other students and the interests of schools.

Features a dispute over the Electoral College

The Electoral College is a system used to elect the President and Vice President of the United States. Each state is assigned a certain number of electors, based on its population. The candidate who wins the most electoral votes wins the election, even if they do not win the popular vote.

There has been a growing debate over the Electoral College in recent years, with some arguing that it is undemocratic and should be abolished. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case involving the Electoral College in the 2024 term.

The case, Moore v. Harper, involves a challenge to a North Carolina law that gives the state legislature the power to set the rules for federal elections. The plaintiffs argue that this law violates the Constitution’s Elections Clause, which gives Congress the power to set the rules for federal elections.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in this case could have a significant impact on the future of the Electoral College. If the Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs, it could lead to the Electoral College being abolished or reformed. If the Court rules in favor of the state legislature, it could give state legislatures more power to control federal elections.

Addresses abortion, gun control, and religious freedom

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear several cases involving abortion, gun control, and religious freedom in the 2024 term. These cases are likely to have a significant impact on the law in these areas.

One of the most important abortion cases on the Court’s docket is Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This case involves a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The Supreme Court has not upheld a pre-viability abortion ban since 1973, when it decided Roe v. Wade. If the Court upholds the Mississippi law, it could lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and a significant rollback of abortion rights in the United States.

The Court is also scheduled to hear several cases involving gun control. One of these cases, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, involves a challenge to a New York law that requires people to show a “proper cause” to obtain a concealed carry permit. The Supreme Court has not ruled on a major gun control case in over a decade. If the Court strikes down the New York law, it could make it easier for people to obtain concealed carry permits.

Finally, the Court is scheduled to hear several cases involving religious freedom. One of these cases, Carson v. Makin, involves a challenge to a Maine tuition assistance program that excludes religious schools. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of religious freedom in several recent cases. If the Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs in Carson v. Makin, it could further expand religious freedom protections.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 term is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s rulings on abortion, gun control, and religious freedom will have a significant impact on the law in these areas and on American society as a whole.

Decisions will impact American law and society

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Its decisions are binding on all other courts in the country, and they have a significant impact on American law and society.

The Court’s decisions can affect a wide range of issues, including civil rights, criminal law, environmental protection, and economic regulation. In recent years, the Court has issued important rulings on issues such as same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and voting rights.

The Court’s decisions can also have a major impact on the lives of ordinary Americans. For example, the Court’s decision in Roe v.isateurWade legalized堕胎 in the United States. This decision has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of women and their families.

The Court’s decisions are often kontroversial. Some people believe that the Court is too conservative, while others believe that it is too liberal. However, there is no doubt that the Court’s decisions have a significant impact on American law and society.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 term is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s rulings onabortion, gun control, and religious freedom will have a significant impact on the law in these areas and on American society as a whole.

Closely watched by legal experts and the public

The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is being closely watched by legal experts and the public alike. This is because the Court is scheduled to hear several high-profile cases that are likely to have a significant impact on American law and society.

  • The Court’s decisions will be closely scrutinized by legal experts.

    Legal experts will be analyzing the Court’s decisions to see how they will affect the law in various areas. They will also be looking for any trends in the Court’s decision-making.

  • The Court’s decisions will also be closely watched by the public.

    The public is interested in how the Court’s decisions will affect their lives. They will be watching the Court’s decisions on issues such as abortion, gun control, and religious freedom with great interest.

  • The Court’s decisions could have a major impact on the 2024 presidential election.

    The Court’s decisions on issues such as abortion and gun control could motivate voters to turn out for one party or the other in the 2024 presidential election.

  • The Court’s decisions could also have a major impact on the future of the Court itself.

    The Court’s decisions on issues such as abortion and gun control could lead to calls for the Court to be reformed or even abolished.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar:

Question 1: When does the Supreme Court’s 2024 term begin?
Answer 1: The Supreme Court’s 2024 term begins on the first Monday in October 2024.

Question 2: When does the Supreme Court’s 2024 term end?
Answer 2: The Supreme Court’s 2024 term ends on the last Monday in June 2025.

Question 3: What are some of the most important cases on the Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar?
Answer 3: Some of the most important cases on the Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar include a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, a case involving the rights of transgender students, and a dispute over the Electoral College.

Question 4: How can I follow the Supreme Court’s 2024 term?
Answer 4: You can follow the Supreme Court’s 2024 term by reading the Court’s website, following the Court on social media, or subscribing to a legal news service.

Question 5: What impact will the Supreme Court’s 2024 decisions have on American law and society?
Answer 5: The Supreme Court’s 2024 decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society. The Court’s decisions could affect issues such as abortion, gun control, religious freedom, and the Electoral College.

Question 6: Why is the Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar so important?
Answer 6: The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is important because the Court is scheduled to hear several high-profile cases that are likely to have a significant impact on American law and society.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.

Here are some tips for following the Supreme Court’s 2024 term:


Here are some tips for following the Supreme Court’s 2024 term:

Tip 1: Read the Court’s website.
The Supreme Court’s website is a great resource for learning about the Court’s work. The website includes information about the Court’s upcoming schedule, its recent decisions, and its current docket.

Tip 2: Follow the Court on social media.
The Supreme Court is active on social media, including Twitter and Facebook. Following the Court on social media is a great way to stay up-to-date on the Court’s latest news and activities.

Tip 3: Subscribe to a legal news service.
There are a number of legal news services that provide coverage of the Supreme Court. Subscribing to a legal news service is a great way to stay informed about the Court’s latest decisions and activities.

Tip 4: Attend oral arguments.
The Supreme Court holds oral arguments in its courtroom in Washington, D.C. Attending oral arguments is a great way to see the Court in action and to learn more about the cases that it is hearing.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Following the Supreme Court’s 2024 term can be a great way to learn more about the Court and its work. By following these tips, you can stay up-to-date on the Court’s latest news and activities.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 term is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.


The Supreme Court’s 2024 calendar is one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court is scheduled to hear several high-profile cases that are likely to have a significant impact on American law and society.

Some of the most important cases on the Court’s 2024 calendar include:

  • A challenge to the Affordable Care Act
  • A case involving the rights of transgender students
  • A dispute over the Electoral College
  • Cases involving abortion, gun control, and religious freedom

The Court’s decisions in these cases will have a significant impact on American law and society. The Court’s decisions could affect issues such as access to healthcare, the rights of transgender students, the future of the Electoral College, and the balance between religious freedom and other rights.

The Supreme Court’s 2024 term is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.

Closing Message:

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Its decisions are binding on all other courts in the country, and they have a significant impact on American law and society. The Court’s 2024 calendar is one of the most consequential in recent history. The Court’s decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.

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