Cs189 Spring 2024


Cs189 Spring 2024

Cs189 is a graduate-level course in machine learning offered by the University of California, Berkeley. The course covers a wide range of topics in machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Students who take this course will learn the fundamental principles of machine learning and how to apply these principles to real-world problems.

The course is taught by Professor Michael Jordan, who is one of the world’s leading experts in machine learning. Professor Jordan has developed many of the fundamental algorithms and techniques used in machine learning today. He is also the author of several books on machine learning, including “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective” and “Bayesian Analysis for Machine Learning”.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the Cs189 course, including the topics covered, the prerequisites, and the grading criteria. We will also provide some tips for students who are planning to take the course.

Cs189 Spring 2024

Here are 8 important points about Cs189 Spring 2024:

  • Graduate-level course
  • Covers a wide range of topics in machine learning
  • Taught by Professor Michael Jordan
  • Prerequisites: strong background in probability and linear algebra
  • Grading: based on homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final project
  • Applications: due by January 27, 2024
  • Limited enrollment
  • Priority given to PhD students

For more information, please visit the course website.

Graduate-level course

Cs189 is a graduate-level course, which means that it is designed for students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. The course assumes that students have a strong background in probability and linear algebra.

  • Prerequisites:

    Students who wish to take Cs189 must have a strong background in probability and linear algebra. This background can be obtained by taking undergraduate courses in these subjects. Students who do not have this background may find it difficult to succeed in Cs189.

  • Grading:

    Cs189 is graded based on homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final project. The homework assignments are designed to help students learn the material covered in the course. The midterm exam is a closed-book exam that covers the material covered in the first half of the course. The final project is a open-ended project that allows students to apply the skills they have learned in the course to a real-world problem.

  • Workload:

    Cs189 is a demanding course that requires a significant amount of time and effort. Students should expect to spend several hours each week reading the assigned materials, completing the homework assignments, and studying for the exams. Students who are not willing to put in the necessary time and effort may find it difficult to succeed in Cs189.

  • Benefits:

    Cs189 is a valuable course that can provide students with a strong foundation in machine learning. The course covers a wide range of topics in machine learning, and it is taught by one of the world’s leading experts in the field. Students who take Cs189 will be well-prepared for careers in machine learning or related fields.

If you are interested in taking Cs189, I encourage you to visit the course website for more information. The website includes the course syllabus, the schedule of lectures and assignments, and the grading criteria.

Covers a wide range of topics in machine learning

Cs189 covers a wide range of topics in machine learning, including:

  • Supervised learning:

    Supervised learning is a type of machine learning in which the model is trained on a dataset that has been labeled with the correct answers. Once the model has been trained, it can be used to predict the labels of new data. Some of the most common supervised learning algorithms include linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines.

  • Unsupervised learning:

    Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning in which the model is trained on a dataset that has not been labeled with the correct answers. The model must then learn to find patterns and structure in the data without any human guidance. Some of the most common unsupervised learning algorithms include clustering, dimensionality reduction, and anomaly detection.

  • Reinforcement learning:

    Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which the model learns by interacting with its environment. The model receives rewards or punishments for its actions, and it learns to adjust its behavior accordingly. Reinforcement learning is often used to train robots and other autonomous agents.

  • Other topics:

    In addition to the core topics listed above, Cs189 also covers a variety of other topics in machine learning, such as:

    • Model selection
    • Overfitting and underfitting
    • Regularization
    • Bayesian machine learning
    • Deep learning

The topics covered in Cs189 are essential for anyone who wants to work in the field of machine learning. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the field, and it prepares students for careers in academia, industry, and government.

Taught by Professor Michael Jordan

Cs189 is taught by Professor Michael Jordan, who is one of the world’s leading experts in machine learning. Professor Jordan has developed many of the fundamental algorithms and techniques used in machine learning today. He is also the author of several books on machine learning, including “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective” and “Bayesian Analysis for Machine Learning”.

Professor Jordan is a passionate and engaging teacher. He is known for his clear explanations and his ability to make complex topics accessible to students. He is also very generous with his time, and he is always willing to help students who are struggling.
Many of Professor Jordan’s former students have gone on to successful careers in academia, industry, and government. They credit Professor Jordan with giving them the foundation they needed to succeed in their careers.

If you are interested in taking a machine learning course, I highly recommend that you take Cs189. Professor Jordan is an excellent teacher, and he will provide you with a strong foundation in machine learning.

Here are some additional details about Professor Jordan’s research and teaching interests:

  • Professor Jordan’s research interests include machine learning, statistics, and optimization. He has made significant contributions to the development of Bayesian machine learning, kernel methods, and graphical models.
  • Professor Jordan is also a gifted teacher. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award and the ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award.
  • Professor Jordan is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is also a fellow of the IEEE and the ACM.

Prerequisites: strong background in probability and linear algebra

Cs189 has two prerequisites: a strong background in probability and a strong background in linear algebra.

  • Probability:

    Students who take Cs189 should have a strong understanding of probability theory. This includes concepts such as probability distributions, random variables, and Bayesian inference. Students who do not have a strong background in probability may find it difficult to understand the material covered in Cs189.

  • Linear algebra:

    Students who take Cs189 should also have a strong understanding of linear algebra. This includes concepts such as vectors, matrices, and linear transformations. Students who do not have a strong background in linear algebra may find it difficult to understand the mathematical foundations of machine learning.

  • Recommended courses:

    Students who are interested in taking Cs189 but who do not have a strong background in probability and linear algebra may want to consider taking the following courses:

    • STAT 134: Probability and Statistical Inference
    • MATH 55A: Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • Other resources:

    There are also a number of online resources that can help students to learn probability and linear algebra. Some of these resources include:

    • Khan Academy: Probability
    • Khan Academy: Linear Algebra
    • MIT OpenCourseWare: Linear Algebra

Students who are willing to put in the time and effort to learn probability and linear algebra will be well-prepared for Cs189.

Grading: based on homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final project

Cs189 is graded based on homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final project.

  • Homework assignments:

    There will be approximately 10 homework assignments throughout the semester. The homework assignments are designed to help students learn the material covered in the course. The homework assignments are also used to assess students’ understanding of the material.

  • Midterm exam:

    The midterm exam will be held during the middle of the semester. The midterm exam will cover the material covered in the first half of the course. The midterm exam is closed-book, but students are allowed to bring one page of notes.

  • Final project:

    The final project is a open-ended project that allows students to apply the skills they have learned in the course to a real-world problem. The final project is due at the end of the semester. The final project is graded on the basis of its originality, technical difficulty, and presentation.

  • Grading scheme:

    The final grade for Cs189 is based on the following weighting scheme:

    • Homework assignments: 50%
    • Midterm exam: 25%
    • Final project: 25%

Students who do well on the homework assignments, the midterm exam, and the final project will earn a good grade in Cs189.

Applications: due by January 27, 2024

The application deadline for Cs189 Spring 2024 is January 27, 2024. Students who are interested in taking the course should submit their applications by this deadline.

  • Application requirements:

    Students who wish to apply to Cs189 must submit the following materials:

    • A completed application form
    • A statement of purpose
    • Two letters of recommendation
    • A transcript of your undergraduate coursework
  • Application process:

    The application process for Cs189 is online. Students can submit their applications at the following website:

    • http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/cs189/
  • Application deadline:

    The application deadline for Cs189 Spring 2024 is January 27, 2024. Students who are interested in taking the course should submit their applications by this deadline.

  • Notification of admission:

    Students will be notified of their admission status by the end of February 2024.

I encourage all students who are interested in taking Cs189 to submit an application. The course is a valuable learning experience, and it can provide students with a strong foundation in machine learning.

Limited enrollment

Cs189 has limited enrollment. This means that there are a limited number of seats available in the course. The number of seats available varies from semester to semester, but it is typically around 100.

The limited enrollment policy is in place to ensure that all students who are admitted to the course have the opportunity to participate fully. The course is very demanding, and it requires a significant amount of time and effort. The limited enrollment policy helps to ensure that all students have the time and resources they need to succeed in the course.

Students who are interested in taking Cs189 should apply early. The application deadline is January 27, 2024. Students who are admitted to the course will be notified by the end of February 2024.

If you are interested in taking Cs189, I encourage you to apply early. The course is a valuable learning experience, and it can provide students with a strong foundation in machine learning. However, the course is also very demanding, and it is important to make sure that you have the time and resources you need to succeed.

Here are some additional details about the limited enrollment policy:

  • The limited enrollment policy is in place to ensure that all students who are admitted to the course have the opportunity to participate fully.
  • The course is very demanding, and it requires a significant amount of time and effort.
  • The limited enrollment policy helps to ensure that all students have the time and resources they need to succeed in the course.
  • Students who are interested in taking Cs189 should apply early.

Priority given to PhD students

Priority is given to PhD students in the Cs189 application process. This means that PhD students are more likely to be admitted to the course than master’s students or undergraduate students.

  • Reason for priority:

    The reason for this priority is that PhD students are more likely to be able to benefit from the course. PhD students are typically more advanced in their studies, and they have a stronger foundation in mathematics and computer science. This makes them better prepared for the demanding coursework in Cs189.

  • Benefits to PhD students:

    Cs189 can be a valuable learning experience for PhD students. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the field of machine learning, and it is taught by one of the world’s leading experts in the field. PhD students who take Cs189 will be well-prepared for careers in academia, industry, and government.

  • Application process:

    PhD students who are interested in taking Cs189 should apply through the normal application process. However, PhD students should make sure to indicate their PhD status on their application form. PhD students who are admitted to the course will be given priority over master’s students and undergraduate students.

  • Other opportunities for PhD students:

    In addition to Cs189, there are a number of other opportunities for PhD students to learn about machine learning at Berkeley. These opportunities include:

    • The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR)
    • The Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI)
    • The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Certificate Program

PhD students who are interested in learning more about machine learning should explore these opportunities.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Cs189 Spring 2024:

Question 1: What are the prerequisites for Cs189?
Answer 1: The prerequisites for Cs189 are a strong background in probability and linear algebra.

Question 2: How do I apply to Cs189?
Answer 2: The application process for Cs189 is online. Students can submit their applications at the following website:

Question 3: When is the application deadline for Cs189?
Answer 3: The application deadline for Cs189 Spring 2024 is January 27, 2024.

Question 4: How many students are admitted to Cs189 each semester?
Answer 4: The number of students admitted to Cs189 each semester varies, but it is typically around 100.

Question 5: Do PhD students have priority in the Cs189 application process?
Answer 5: Yes, PhD students have priority in the Cs189 application process. This means that PhD students are more likely to be admitted to the course than master’s students or undergraduate students.

Question 6: What is the grading scheme for Cs189?
Answer 6: The final grade for Cs189 is based on the following weighting scheme:

  • Homework assignments: 50%
  • Midterm exam: 25%
  • Final project: 25%

Question 7: Who is teaching Cs189 Spring 2024?
Answer 7: Cs189 Spring 2024 will be taught by Professor Michael Jordan.

I hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about Cs189 Spring 2024. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the course staff.

Now that you know more about Cs189, you may be wondering how you can improve your chances of being admitted to the course. Here are a few tips:


Here are a few tips for students who are interested in taking Cs189 Spring 2024:

Tip 1: Apply early.
The application deadline for Cs189 is January 27, 2024. However, I encourage students to apply early. The earlier you apply, the more time the course staff will have to review your application. Students who apply early are also more likely to be admitted to the course.

Tip 2: Write a strong statement of purpose.
The statement of purpose is an important part of the Cs189 application. In your statement of purpose, you should explain why you are interested in taking the course and what you hope to gain from it. You should also highlight your relevant skills and experience. Your statement of purpose should be well-written and error-free.

Tip 3: Get strong letters of recommendation.
The letters of recommendation are another important part of the Cs189 application. Your letters of recommendation should come from professors or other individuals who can attest to your academic abilities and your work ethic. Your letters of recommendation should be specific and detailed. They should also be written by individuals who know you well.

Tip 4: Prepare for the interview.
If you are selected for an interview, you should prepare for the interview in advance. The interview is your opportunity to make a good impression on the course staff. You should be prepared to answer questions about your background, your experience, and your interests. You should also be prepared to discuss your research interests and your career goals.

I hope these tips have been helpful. I encourage all students who are interested in taking Cs189 to apply. The course is a valuable learning experience, and it can provide students with a strong foundation in machine learning.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the course staff.


Cs189 is a graduate-level course in machine learning that is offered by the University of California, Berkeley. The course covers a wide range of topics in machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Cs189 is taught by Professor Michael Jordan, who is one of the world’s leading experts in machine learning.

Cs189 is a demanding course, but it is also a very rewarding one. Students who take the course will learn the fundamental principles of machine learning and how to apply these principles to real-world problems. Cs189 is a valuable learning experience for students who are interested in pursuing careers in machine learning or related fields.

The application deadline for Cs189 Spring 2024 is January 27, 2024. I encourage all students who are interested in taking the course to apply. The course is a valuable learning experience, and it can provide students with a strong foundation in machine learning.

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the course staff.

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