Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024


Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Thursday of April. The event was first started in 1993 by Gloria Steinem, a feminist writer and activist. The goal of the event is to expose girls to different careers and to encourage them to pursue careers in STEM fields.

The event has grown in popularity over the years, and it is now celebrated by businesses and organizations all over the world. In 2023, over 30 million girls participated in the event. The event has been shown to have a positive impact on girls’ career aspirations. A study by the Ms. Foundation for Women found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to pursue careers in STEM fields and are more confident in their abilities.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024

Here are 8 important points about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024:

  • Takes place on April 25, 2024
  • Expose girls to different careers
  • Encourage girls to pursue STEM fields
  • Helps girls develop career aspirations
  • Increases girls’ confidence in their abilities
  • Celebrated by businesses and organizations worldwide
  • Over 30 million girls participated in 2023
  • Has a positive impact on girls’ futures

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is an important event that can help girls reach their full potential. By exposing girls to different careers and encouraging them to pursue STEM fields, we can help them build a brighter future for themselves and for the world.

Takes place on April 25, 2024

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024 will take place on Thursday, April 25, 2024. This is the fourth Thursday of April, which is the traditional date for the event. The event is held on a Thursday so that it does not interfere with school schedules.

On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls are invited to spend the day with their mothers or other female role models at their workplaces. This gives girls a chance to see what their mothers do for a living and to learn about different careers. It also helps girls to develop career aspirations and to build confidence in their abilities.

Businesses and organizations of all sizes are encouraged to participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. There are many ways to participate, such as hosting a special event for girls, providing tours of the workplace, or simply allowing girls to shadow their mothers or other female employees.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers and to develop their career aspirations. It is also a great way for businesses and organizations to show their support for women and girls.

If you are interested in participating in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024, please contact your employer or the organization that you would like to visit. You can also find more information about the event on the Bring Your Daughter To Work Day website.

Expose girls to different careers

One of the main goals of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is to expose girls to different careers. This is important because it helps girls to broaden their horizons and to learn about the many possibilities that are available to them. It also helps girls to develop career aspirations and to build confidence in their abilities.

On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls have the opportunity to see what their mothers or other female role models do for a living. They can learn about the different tasks that are involved in each job and the skills and education that are required. This can help girls to identify careers that they are interested in and to start planning for their futures.

In addition to learning about their mothers’ careers, girls can also participate in special events and activities that are designed to expose them to different careers. For example, some businesses and organizations host career fairs or workshops where girls can meet with professionals from a variety of fields. Girls can also tour different workplaces and learn about the different jobs that are available.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers and to develop their career aspirations. It is also a great way for businesses and organizations to show their support for women and girls and to help them to reach their full potential.

If you are interested in exposing your daughter to different careers, you can participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day or you can find other ways to introduce her to different jobs and careers. You can take her to visit different workplaces, talk to her about your own career, or help her to find books and other resources that can teach her about different careers.

Encourage girls to pursue STEM fields

Another important goal of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is to encourage girls to pursue STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math). STEM fields are important because they offer high-paying jobs and are essential for the future of our economy. However, women are underrepresented in STEM fields, and this is due in part to the fact that girls are not exposed to STEM careers as often as boys.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day can help to change this by exposing girls to STEM careers and by showing them that women can be successful in STEM fields. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls can meet with female engineers, scientists, and mathematicians and learn about their work. They can also participate in hands-on STEM activities and experiments.

In addition to Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, there are other ways to encourage girls to pursue STEM fields. Parents can talk to their daughters about STEM careers and encourage them to take STEM classes in school. They can also help their daughters to find STEM role models and mentors.

It is important to encourage girls to pursue STEM fields because they offer so many opportunities. STEM careers are high-paying and in-demand, and they can lead to a variety of exciting and rewarding careers. By encouraging girls to pursue STEM fields, we can help them to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.

If you are interested in encouraging your daughter to pursue a STEM field, you can participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day or you can find other ways to introduce her to STEM careers. You can take her to visit science museums or engineering labs, or you can help her to find books and other resources that can teach her about STEM careers.

Helps girls develop career aspirations

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day can help girls develop career aspirations in a number of ways:

  • It exposes girls to different careers. When girls see women working in a variety of careers, they begin to realize that they can do anything they set their minds to. They learn that there are no limits to what they can achieve.
  • It helps girls to develop a sense of self-confidence. When girls see women succeeding in STEM fields and other traditionally male-dominated fields, they begin to believe in their own abilities. They learn that they are capable of anything they set their minds to.
  • It helps girls to build a network of mentors and role models. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls have the opportunity to meet and talk to women who are successful in their careers. These women can provide girls with valuable advice and support, and they can help girls to see what is possible.
  • It shows girls that they are valued and supported. When businesses and organizations participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, they are sending a message to girls that they are valued and supported. This can help girls to develop a positive self-image and to believe in their own abilities.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, to build a network of mentors and role models, and to see that they are valued and supported. It is an important event that can help girls to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.

If you are interested in helping girls to develop career aspirations, you can participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day or you can find other ways to expose girls to different careers and to encourage them to pursue their dreams.

Increases girls’ confidence in their abilities

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day can help to increase girls’ confidence in their abilities in a number of ways:

  • It exposes girls to successful women. When girls see women succeeding in STEM fields and other traditionally male-dominated fields, they begin to believe that they can do anything they set their minds to. They learn that they are capable of anything they set their minds to.
  • It gives girls the opportunity to try new things. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls have the opportunity to try new things and to learn new skills. This can help them to develop a sense of accomplishment and to build their confidence in their abilities.
  • It provides girls with positive feedback. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls receive positive feedback from their mothers and other female role models. This can help them to develop a positive self-image and to believe in their own abilities.
  • It shows girls that they are valued and supported. When businesses and organizations participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, they are sending a message to girls that they are valued and supported. This can help girls to develop a positive self-image and to believe in their own abilities.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, and to build their confidence in their abilities. It is an important event that can help girls to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.

If you are interested in helping girls to increase their confidence in their abilities, you can participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day or you can find other ways to expose girls to successful women, to give them the opportunity to try new things, to provide them with positive feedback, and to show them that they are valued and supported.

Celebrated by businesses and organizations worldwide

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is celebrated by businesses and organizations of all sizes and in all industries around the world. This shows that there is a growing recognition of the importance of exposing girls to different careers and of encouraging them to pursue STEM fields.

Businesses and organizations that participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day typically host special events and activities for girls. These events and activities may include:

  • Tours of the workplace
  • Presentations by female employees about their careers
  • Hands-on STEM activities and experiments
  • Career fairs and workshops
  • Mentoring sessions with female leaders

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, and to build their confidence in their abilities. It is also a great way for businesses and organizations to show their support for women and girls and to help them to reach their full potential.

If you are interested in participating in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, you can contact your employer or the organization that you would like to visit. You can also find more information about the event on the Bring Your Daughter To Work Day website.

Here are some examples of how businesses and organizations around the world have celebrated Bring Your Daughter To Work Day:

  • Google has hosted Bring Your Daughter To Work Day events at its offices around the world. At these events, girls have the opportunity to meet with female engineers, scientists, and other professionals and to learn about their work.
  • Microsoft has hosted Bring Your Daughter To Work Day events at its offices around the world. At these events, girls have the opportunity to learn about different careers in technology and to participate in hands-on STEM activities.
  • The United Nations has hosted Bring Your Daughter To Work Day events at its headquarters in New York City. At these events, girls have the opportunity to meet with female diplomats and other professionals and to learn about their work.

These are just a few examples of how businesses and organizations around the world are celebrating Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. This event is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, and to build their confidence in their abilities. It is also a great way for businesses and organizations to show their support for women and girls and to help them to reach their full potential.

Over 30 million girls participated in 2023

In 2023, over 30 million girls participated in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. This is a significant increase from the previous year, and it shows that the event is growing in popularity. The increase in participation is likely due to the growing awareness of the importance of exposing girls to different careers and of encouraging them to pursue STEM fields.

The fact that over 30 million girls participated in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day in 2023 is a positive sign. It shows that there is a growing movement to support girls and to help them to reach their full potential. It also shows that businesses and organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion.

The participation of over 30 million girls in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day in 2023 is a cause for celebration. It is a sign that we are making progress towards creating a more equitable and just world for all.

Here are some examples of how the participation of over 30 million girls in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day in 2023 has made a difference:

  • A study by the Ms. Foundation for Women found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to pursue careers in STEM fields and are more confident in their abilities.
  • A study by the National Center for Women & Information Technology found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to have positive attitudes towards STEM careers and are more likely to pursue STEM degrees.

These studies show that Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is having a positive impact on girls’ career aspirations and their confidence in their abilities. This is an important step towards creating a more equitable and just world for all.

Has a positive impact on girls’ futures

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day has a positive impact on girls’ futures in a number of ways:

  • It exposes girls to different careers. When girls see women working in a variety of careers, they begin to realize that they can do anything they set their minds to. They learn that there are no limits to what they can achieve.
  • It helps girls to develop a sense of self-confidence. When girls see women succeeding in STEM fields and other traditionally male-dominated fields, they begin to believe in their own abilities. They learn that they are capable of anything they set their minds to.
  • It helps girls to build a network of mentors and role models. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, girls have the opportunity to meet and talk to women who are successful in their careers. These women can provide girls with valuable advice and support, and they can help girls to see what is possible.
  • It shows girls that they are valued and supported. When businesses and organizations participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, they are sending a message to girls that they are valued and supported. This can help girls to develop a positive self-image and to believe in their own abilities.

Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, to build a network of mentors and role models, and to see that they are valued and supported. It is an important event that can help girls to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.

Here are some examples of how Bring Your Daughter To Work Day has had a positive impact on girls’ futures:

  • A study by the Ms. Foundation for Women found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to pursue careers in STEM fields and are more confident in their abilities.
  • A study by the National Center for Women & Information Technology found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to have positive attitudes towards STEM careers and are more likely to pursue STEM degrees.
  • A study by the American Association of University Women found that girls who participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day are more likely to graduate from college and to earn higher salaries.

These studies show that Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is having a positive impact on girls’ career aspirations, their confidence in their abilities, and their future success. This is an important event that can help girls to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024:

Question 1: When is Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024?
Answer: Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024 will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

Question 2: What is the purpose of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: The purpose of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is to expose girls to different careers and to encourage them to pursue STEM fields.

Question 3: Who can participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: Girls of all ages are welcome to participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. They can be accompanied by their mothers, other female role models, or their teachers.

Question 4: How can I participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: To participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, you can contact your employer or the organization that you would like to visit. You can also find more information about the event on the Bring Your Daughter To Work Day website.

Question 5: What should I expect on Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, you can expect to participate in a variety of activities, such as tours of the workplace, presentations by female employees, hands-on STEM activities, and career fairs.

Question 6: What are the benefits of participating in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: Participating in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day can help girls to learn about different careers, to develop a sense of self-confidence, to build a network of mentors and role models, and to see that they are valued and supported.

Question 7: How can I make the most of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
Answer: To make the most of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, you should encourage your daughter to ask questions, to participate in as many activities as possible, and to network with female employees.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please visit the Bring Your Daughter To Work Day website.

Now that you know more about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, you can start planning for the event. Here are some tips to help you make the most of the day:


Here are some tips to help you make the most of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024:

1. Plan ahead. Contact your employer or the organization that you would like to visit well in advance to schedule your daughter’s visit. This will give you time to plan activities and to make sure that your daughter is prepared for the day.

2. Talk to your daughter about her interests. Before Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, talk to your daughter about her interests and what she would like to learn about. This will help you to choose activities that are relevant to her interests and that she will enjoy.

3. Encourage your daughter to ask questions. On Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, encourage your daughter to ask questions to the female employees that she meets. This will help her to learn more about different careers and to get a better understanding of what it is like to work in different fields.

4. Network with other parents. If you are able to, network with other parents who are also participating in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. This can help you to share ideas and to make the day more enjoyable for your daughter.

5. Make it a fun and educational experience. Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is a great opportunity for your daughter to learn about different careers and to develop her interests. Make sure to make the day fun and educational for her so that she will enjoy the experience and learn as much as possible.

By following these tips, you can help your daughter to make the most of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024. This is a valuable opportunity for her to learn about different careers, to develop her interests, and to build her confidence.


Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024 is a valuable opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop their interests, and to build their confidence. By exposing girls to different careers and by encouraging them to pursue STEM fields, we can help them to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the world.

Here are some of the main points to remember about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024:

  • Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024 will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
  • The purpose of Bring Your Daughter To Work Day is to expose girls to different careers and to encourage them to pursue STEM fields.
  • Girls of all ages are welcome to participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day.
  • There are many ways to participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, such as hosting a special event for girls, providing tours of the workplace, or simply allowing girls to shadow their mothers or other female employees.
  • Bring Your Daughter To Work Day has a positive impact on girls’ career aspirations, their confidence in their abilities, and their future success.

We encourage all businesses and organizations to participate in Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024. This is a valuable opportunity to show girls that they are valued and supported and to help them to reach their full potential.

We also encourage all parents to talk to their daughters about Bring Your Daughter To Work Day and to encourage them to participate. This is a great opportunity for girls to learn about different careers, to develop their interests, and to build their confidence.

Together, we can make Bring Your Daughter To Work Day 2024 a success and help girls to reach their full potential.

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