Baha'I Calendar 2024-2025


Baha'I Calendar 2024-2025

## Baha’I Calendar 2024-2025
The Baha’i calendar is a solar calendar consisting of 19 months, each with 19 days, with the addition of 4 or 5 intercalary days at the end of the year. The calendar was established by Baha’u’llah, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, in the Kitab-i-Aqdas, the central book of Baha’i scripture. The Baha’i calendar is used by Baha’is worldwide for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.
The Baha’i calendar is based on the solar year, which is the time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the sun. The Baha’i year begins on the vernal equinox, which occurs on or around March 21st. The months are named after attributes of God, and the days are named after the attributes of the Manifestations of God.## Baha’I Calendar 2024-2025

The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. Here are 7 important points about the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025:

  • Begins on March 21, 2024
  • Ends on March 20, 2025
  • Consists of 19 months
  • Each month has 19 days
  • Includes 4 intercalary days
  • Used for religious purposes
  • Also used for scheduling events

The Baha’i calendar is a valuable tool for Baha’is and anyone interested in learning more about the Baha’i Faith.

### Begins on March 21, 2024

The Baha’i calendar is a solar calendar, which means that it is based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun. The Baha’i year begins on the vernal equinox, which is the day when the sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward. In 2024, the vernal equinox occurs on March 21st, so the Baha’i year 171 BE (Badí’ Era) begins on that day.

  • Vernal equinox

    The vernal equinox is a significant astronomical event that marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also the day when the Baha’i year begins.

  • Solar calendar

    The Baha’i calendar is a solar calendar, which means that it is based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun. This is in contrast to lunar calendars, which are based on the moon’s orbit around the Earth.

  • Badí’ Era

    The Baha’i Era (BE) is the calendar era used by Baha’is. It began on the day of the declaration of Baha’u’llah, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, in 1844. The year 171 BE corresponds to the year 2024-2025 in the Gregorian calendar.

  • 19-day months

    The Baha’i calendar consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. This means that the Baha’i year has 361 days, with the addition of 4 or 5 intercalary days at the end of the year.

The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### Ends on March 20, 2025
The Baha’i calendar year 171 BE ends on March 20, 2025. This is because the Baha’i calendar is a solar calendar, which means that it is based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun. The Baha’i year begins on the vernal equinox, which is the day when the sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward. In 2025, the vernal equinox occurs on March 21st, so the Baha’i year 172 BE begins on that day.
The Baha’i calendar consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. This means that the Baha’i year has 361 days, with the addition of 4 or 5 intercalary days at the end of the year. The intercalary days are used to keep the Baha’i calendar in sync with the solar year.
In 2024-2025, there are 4 intercalary days. These days are called the Ayyam-i-Ha, which means “Days of Ha.” The Ayyam-i-Ha are a time for Baha’is to reflect on the past year and to prepare for the year ahead.
The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

The Baha’i calendar is a valuable tool for Baha’is and anyone interested in learning more about the Baha’i Faith.

### Consists of 19 months

The Baha’i calendar consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. This means that the Baha’i year has 361 days, with the addition of 4 or 5 intercalary days at the end of the year. The 19 months of the Baha’i calendar are named after the attributes of God.

  • Bahá


  • Jalál


  • Jamál


  • `Azamat


  • Núr


  • Rahmat


  • Kalimát


  • Kamál


  • Asmá


  • `Izzat


  • Mashíyyat


  • `Ilm


  • Qudrat


  • Qawl


  • Masá’il


  • Sharaf


  • Sultan


  • Mulk


  • `Alá


The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### Each month has 19 days

Each month in the Baha’i calendar has 19 days. This is because the number 19 is considered to be a sacred number in the Baha’i Faith. The number 19 is associated with the Baha’i covenant, which is the promise that God will always send a Manifestation of God to guide humanity.

  • Symbolism of the number 19

    The number 19 is considered to be a symbol of unity and completeness. It is also associated with the Baha’i concept of the “Perfect Number,” which is the number of years in a Baha’i century (19 x 19 = 361).

  • Practicality of the 19-day month

    The 19-day month is also practical because it is divisible by both 3 and 7. This makes it easy to create a calendar that is both accurate and easy to use.

  • Consistency with the solar year

    The 19-day month is also consistent with the solar year. The solar year is approximately 365.24 days long. This means that the Baha’i calendar is only off by about 5 hours each year.

  • Ease of memorization

    The 19-day month is also easy to memorize. This is because it is a simple and repetitive pattern.

The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### Includes 4 intercalary days
The Baha’i calendar includes 4 intercalary days at the end of the year. These days are called the Ayyam-i-Ha, which means “Days of Ha.” The Ayyam-i-Ha are a time for Baha’is to reflect on the past year and to prepare for the year ahead.
The Ayyam-i-Ha are named after the letter “Ha,” which is the 5th letter of the Arabic alphabet. The letter “Ha” is associated with the Baha’i concept of the “Greatest Name,” which is the name of God that is revealed to humanity through each Manifestation of God.
The Ayyam-i-Ha are a time for Baha’is to focus on spiritual growth and development. They are a time to pray, meditate, and study the Baha’i writings. Baha’is also use the Ayyam-i-Ha to perform acts of service to their communities.
The Ayyam-i-Ha are a special time in the Baha’i calendar. They are a time for Baha’is to come together and to celebrate their faith.

The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### Used for religious purposes

The Baha’i calendar is used for a variety of religious purposes. Baha’is use the calendar to determine the dates of their holy days and festivals. They also use the calendar to schedule their daily prayers and meditations.

  • Holy days and festivals

    The Baha’i calendar includes a number of holy days and festivals. These days are celebrated by Baha’is around the world. Some of the most important Baha’i holy days include the Birth of Baha’u’llah, the Declaration of the Bab, and the Ascension of Baha’u’llah.

  • Daily prayers and meditations

    Baha’is are required to pray three times a day. They also meditate on the Baha’i writings each day. The Baha’i calendar helps Baha’is to schedule their prayers and meditations so that they can be performed at the correct times.

  • Fasting

    Baha’is are required to fast during the month of Ala. The Baha’i calendar helps Baha’is to determine the dates of the month of Ala so that they can prepare for the fast.

  • Pilgrimage

    Baha’is are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, Israel. The Baha’i calendar helps Baha’is to plan their pilgrimages so that they can visit the Baha’i World Centre during the appropriate times.

The Baha’i calendar is an important tool for Baha’is around the world. It helps them to fulfill their religious obligations and to celebrate their faith.

### Also used for scheduling events
In addition to its religious uses, the Baha’i calendar is also used for scheduling events and activities. Baha’is use the calendar to plan their meetings, conferences, and other gatherings. They also use the calendar to schedule their work and school activities.
The Baha’i calendar is a valuable tool for Baha’is because it helps them to stay organized and to make the most of their time. The calendar also helps Baha’is to connect with each other and to build a strong community.

The Baha’i calendar is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025:

Question 1: When does the Baha’i year 171 BE begin?
Answer: The Baha’i year 171 BE begins on March 21, 2024.

Question 2: When does the Baha’i year 171 BE end?
Answer: The Baha’i year 171 BE ends on March 20, 2025.

Question 3: How many months are in the Baha’i calendar?
Answer: There are 19 months in the Baha’i calendar.

Question 4: How many days are in each Baha’i month?
Answer: There are 19 days in each Baha’i month.

Question 5: Are there any intercalary days in the Baha’i calendar?
Answer: Yes, there are 4 intercalary days in the Baha’i calendar.

Question 6: What are the intercalary days called?
Answer: The intercalary days are called the Ayyam-i-Ha.

Question 7: What is the purpose of the Ayyam-i-Ha?
Answer: The Ayyam-i-Ha are a time for Baha’is to reflect on the past year and to prepare for the year ahead.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025. For more information, please consult the Baha’i calendar website.

In addition to the FAQ, here are a few tips for using the Baha’i calendar:

### Tips

Here are a few tips for using the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025:

Tip 1: Use a Baha’i calendar. The best way to keep track of the Baha’i calendar is to use a Baha’i calendar. Baha’i calendars are available online and in Baha’i bookstores.

Tip 2: Mark important dates. Once you have a Baha’i calendar, mark all of the important dates for the year. This will help you to stay organized and to avoid missing any important events.

Tip 3: Use the calendar to plan your activities. The Baha’i calendar can be used to plan your activities for the year. For example, you can use the calendar to plan your work schedule, your school schedule, and your social activities.

Tip 4: Share the calendar with others. The Baha’i calendar is a great way to share the Baha’i Faith with others. You can give Baha’i calendars to your friends, family, and colleagues.

These are just a few tips for using the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025. For more information, please consult the Baha’i calendar website.

The Baha’i calendar is a valuable tool for Baha’is and anyone interested in learning more about the Baha’i Faith. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.

### Conclusion
The Baha’i calendar 2024-2025 is a unique and fascinating calendar system that is used by Baha’is around the world. It is a solar calendar that begins on the vernal equinox and consists of 19 months, each with 19 days. The Baha’i calendar is used for religious purposes and for scheduling events and activities.
The Baha’i calendar is a valuable tool for Baha’is because it helps them to fulfill their religious obligations and to stay organized. The calendar also helps Baha’is to connect with each other and to build a strong community.
The Baha’i calendar is a reminder of the Baha’i belief in the unity of humankind. The calendar is used by Baha’is of all races, nationalities, and cultures. It is a symbol of the Baha’i Faith’s commitment to world peace and unity.

We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with information about the Baha’i calendar 2024-2025. For more information, please consult the Baha’i calendar website.

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